
Monday, May 27, 2013


Today marks 82 days until I am Mrs. Arendsen! I am now engaged and blessed :) I feel like I should be blogging more, jotting down notes and thoughts about life in general. I feel like I owe it to the three kids??? each of them has become closer with me threw the year and I am so excited to become there step mom, I may have to come back and re read this in a few years when the teenage years come around and I am begging for mercy on myself and anyone around me. lol,
Makayla is doing amazing, She just finished her first year of preschool and is growing so fast, When i first met her she didn't talk much didn't walk much.. didn't do much. I told Jason a while back that when I met her she was a infant to me. Her vocabulary was at a few words max and she was carried everywhere, she was fed her food and she STILL wasn't potty trained, NOW she is a growing 4 year old with a jabbering mouth and feeds herself not to mention that her taste buds have moved past chicken nuggets and will try almost everything on her plate :) she is pretty much amazing seeing her grow has been unforgettable and I feel so blessed to see everything. (even the attitude she has found from time to time)
Brenden is doing amazing as well he is just about to finish the 1st grade and he also is sprouting like crazy growing big and strong, Talking clearly and gaining in all learning aspects in life! He is wanting to play soccer in the fall so that will be exciting we are signing him up for the zeeland rec and see how that goes, I hope it goes well, He is getting to know alot of new friends and expanding his horizons like crazy. He is finding himself like crazy recently, he is actually having a rough time figuring out what is what in life, He has lots of questions and is pretty much amazing as well, he is adapting to living with us full time and has finally adjusted to our rutine which has been hard for all the kids because we have rules and expectations for them and we believe they should be followed.
Joey... joey joey joey... a man stuck in a little body, this boy cracks me up. he is finishing the 3rd grade lord help us! He is the most confused about everything right now, he feels torn I think because he is old enough now to understand what is going on and he knows its best now to live with us but still has his devotion to his mother which is fine don't get me wrong but he is confused I think on why mommy is choosing other things then what she should if you get what i mean, Its hard to explain. He is almost out resource room which is soooooo good and I think it helps his self esteem, He is still best friends with Adam which is good because we had joey and brenden switched this year to a new school so both boys had moments of learning new friends and new areas but it was best for all of us.He is doing well in school his favorite subject is math and reading and he is so not my child (ha ha) in that area I hate math and his math is even getting hard for me to help him with.
Now on to total news. Jasons family is still fighting, I don't know how to read them, I thought things were getting better but when it comes to just us there is no communication, We will see how it goes im really confused about it and hope something comes out of it.. either some type of ending or we start talking. We go to court on June 13 for our final meeting with the judge to see if we keep with full custody or half to go back to  50/50. I honestly don't know what way it will go and we will have to see either way it will be good for all the kids.God has a plan for them we just don't now what it is yet. on June 7 Joey gets his tube out!!!!!!! 8.5 years in the making and he finally gets it out. Joey is a little nervous about it but says its okay as long as he can't feel when they take it out. I honestly have already shed some tears about it just thinking about what he has already been threw and what he will go threw still he is a strong little man. i could not imagine doing what he has done in such a short span of life. on June 22 is our bridal shower and we will all celebrate the beginning of a great life as a FAMILY all the same last name