
Friday, February 14, 2014

Football and... FOOD!

We had a awesome time watching the super bowl, our team one and joey cried because I bet him 2 dollars that my team would win.. Gambling at such a young age.. good or bad..

yes I am the mom that takes a picture of there child crying because there team is loosing..

The snow is still coming down and the windchill is putting the weather at such a cold temp its hard to breath outside, Its so cold recently the kids can't even play outside and when they do.. its only 20 min at a time burr!

Our family is obsessed with Frozen right now here is a sweet video of makayla singing her version of do you want to build a snowman.

We are in the home run till we leave to florida. Six weeks and counting I can't believe it! I am so excited and anxious to go. I am a over planner at heart so I am researching everything to make sure I try my best for everything to come off amazing. I bought the kids pins off ebay so they can trade them while at Disney.. saves money if you buy them off ebay!

Something else I have been thinking about is food and what a addiction it is for me.. I am an emotional eater and I realized this back in high school but once again it is most apparent now. Today for example it took me over a hour to figure out if I was hungry or not. My inner self would tell myself to eat.. eat something its lunch time and my mind would say no.. your not hungry listen to your body.. I heard this explanation on "fat sick and nearly dead" He spoke about how back when cave men were around you would hunt your food.. fun and be active and now a days you are still.. sitting at your desk or sitting at work so you body doesn't need as much calories to run its self. He then grabbed his stomach and shook it and said I could live off this for a while. I have to realize eating isn't something I HAVE to do.. its something I want to do most times. Dont get me wrong I understand I have to eat.. but as much as i do... I think not.. I can't remember the last time I was so hungry I could feel it.. Today I ended up drinking a glass of water and I was full I didn't feel that urge to eat something anymore.

such deep thought I find myself in recently, I am so overly thankful for my life and what god has given to me. What great friendships,relationships, I am overwhelmed with love.. I find myself content with life and I am okay with that.. My life pushes me in ways it should and leaves the areas alone that need to rest if that makes since.

Thats all.. such a long break in time, I will try hard to keep on a normal schedule or writing... who am I kidding.. whats normal!

Sunday, February 2, 2014


Wow, A month has passed already, This month I would have to say is full of emotions... I am over whelmed with joy, I feel so blessed to have given the life god has chosen for me. I am purely blessed.

The funeral of my grandmother has come and gone, Ive learned even more about her talking to people and listening to the memories. I am more and more proud to know her. She is such a great example of who someone should be and how they should act. SELFLESS. I know myself I could work on that.. I could work on thinking for others and not second guessing myself but I guess ive learned to protect more then to just let myself go and I have learned to step back rather then give all. It was such a... Eye opening, The first funeral I didn't shed a tear, I was first of all confident that she was in heaven and I would see her one day. I also have gotten used to deaths, Yes I miss them but it almost becomes emotionless when it is time to say goodbye. Its a odd feeling that I still am not used too.

On a lighter note it was also joeys 10th birthday and the snow storm of the centery.. 10 days of no school, Joey of course had a horrible snow storm on his birthdy, It happens EVERY year! He has a snow day and it was the same day as the funeral so jason got to come for breakfest with all of us and then we had to send him off to his moms so we could say our last goodbyes to my grandma
 Here are both boys chowing down on some icecream for joeys birthday at IHOP.. icecream at 9am WHY NOT!!!

I really dont think Joey will ever know how much I love him. I can't believe he is 10.. DOUBLE DIGITS I try to hold back but my mind wonders what he will be like.. in 6...10...15 years wow! He is such an amazing boy and has suffered so much in his life I am so happy to see him thriving and enjoying life like a child should! We also has a birthday party this week. We took 17 people to the Griffins hockey game and wow was that.. interesting... VERY busy but the kids will never forget that night.. full with pizza,pop,cupcakes and candy!!!

 Joey and his best friend Adam

On our oops of the year kelly was cooking dinner and our stove stopped working, When I got home I checked the fuse box and nothing was flipped the wrong way so we had thought that the stove died.. We went.. bought a new one and when we plugged it in.. The stove wouldn't turn.. we find out that there is a fuse box in the basement... jason never checked that so we bought a new stove and gave ours away..

For any home owner a new updated appliance is a gift from god!!! Love my new oven!!!

Here are some photos from our week or so that I didn't blog..

I went blonde!!!

Some of my scrapbooking pages

The snow was up to my hips.. now its over our cars..

we watched Autumn for the weekend and cought playing in the dog bowl.. who looks more guilty???

Some of the pictures show some of my juices.. still trying out a few..

untill next time.