
Saturday, November 20, 2010


Another day has come and passed, Today was a pretty huge on for me, I haven't been sleeping lately so I stayed up and talked with some friends till 4am and then went to sleep and woke up at 9am. I had alot of things to do today so I had my self motivated as soon as I woke up. I had to go to the bank, a few stores getting things ready for the diaper cake I was making for a friend ( TURNED OUT AMAZING!). I packed my nephew up and dragged him with.. he loved it he loves going bye bye with anyone. So we went to the bank and got a sucker of course! then stopped by a friends hi for a quick hi! and went on with our day.

    After I came home and laid the kids down for a nap I made my diaper cake.. I Can't wait to post pictures but I can't just yet ( I don't want her to see) My mom came home today she has been gone for a week now, It  was strange to have her gone, My parents went to the cabin to go hunting.. well my mom read trashy novels and my dad went hunting. anyway.. off subject... story of my life lol!

I spent the night taking my 3 nieces ages 2,4,7 to crazy bounce.. geesh.. well I spent the evening with them. I took them for dinner then the mall then crazy bounce and out for cookies after :) can you say crazy! lol there had to of been 50-60 kids at this crazy bounce and .. as people see im not the smallest person in the world.. and i was carrying this almost 2 year old up the inflatable slides.. can you say WORK OUT! .. not to mention the boys behind me yelling.. "ITS A FAT GIRL AND A BABY.. ITS GUNNA BE A WHILE" honestly.. where are there parents and what are they teaching there kids to have them think its okay for them to say something.. I was like.. WHAT! anyway.. overall the night was good. Tomorrow I'm going to clean.. and relax I'm so ready for a day to MYSELF!

Well, I'm not sure who reads this.. if anyone does.. I hope you have a great night!

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