
Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time to think for myself

I honestly don't even know where to start on this blog.. so im just as always going to type and see where it leads me.

     Christmas ill start there.. It was christmas for sure! The stress was high and I think our family has lost what the meaning of christmas is.. this year is was go go go and we fought most of the time. We forgot why we have christmas and what we should be thankful for.. I hope this new year we grow closer together as a family and get over everything that is stopping us. Our family christmas was good I got everything I wanted :) Santa was good to me this year.

 David and i broke up.. BIG SURPRISE right? not really rebound I think I don't know but i made the choice to stop it before feelings were hurt.. which was good because we went into this relationship with out a title because we didn't know if we would work out or not.. and well it didn't we have two different personalities and it just didn't click. so im single now and finding myself which im happy with because I need to do that.. I need to get settled in Holland and start my life before I start something else.

New years was .. alright I was invited to a friends house and her husband played call of duty while we sat had our new years drinks and Chinese and watched girly movies, I am so thankful for her and her family. We  sat around the house and napped the next day because I was up till 5am and her kids were up at like 7ish.. I know we weren't thinking but it was fun and her kids were really good the next day so we got to relax.. there nap time was OUR  nap time.. her and I put a movie on and. .. we fell asleep not long after. The 2011 has been good so far.. I was so happy to leave 2010.

So this year.. This year I will get back into the child care center its my passion.. I love it so much and I put that on the back burner.. Not again.. not anymore I have put my resume into a few teaching positions and I hope I get a call because i really really really want to get back into that. Its what I do.. Its who I am. I used to be a lead assistant at a child care center for 3 years and i loved it! the lesson plans.. the kids.. the families! i can't wait to do it again. Also I was thinking.. Do I move.. should I stay? where should my life take me this year? Im single.. young.. full of life.. I can do this!

Weight loss... im at 210! whoot When I started in oct I was almost 240 pounds!!!!!  Ican't believe this I have never made it under 220 while loosing weight (note to self stay off the DEPO shot) 2 years ago I was a healthy 180 pound girl .. thick but not fat and i loved it i WILL get back to that.. and i will stay off the depo shot .. after being on the depo I jumped up to 230 with in months.. wow!

I have been playing this song called "yours alone" from skillet... My friend rob said it makes him think of me.. and I love it! Him and I never dated be we have always been close.. Since Ive been single we have talked more and I have learned even more about him and I like it.. we are not dating at all just friends but shhh i do like him.. have liked him. We hung out a few months before i moved to ohio and we lost touch but thanks to that good ol facebook we reconnect about a year ago. Even being single.. im happy.. this year is going to be a good year.. I am sure of it..

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