
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

more to love!

Today has been great, My day off so im catching up on lesson plans and sub plans for next week! Can I hear a whoot for only working 3 days.. whoot ha ha. I am also spending time with jasons kids (boyfriend) we are working hard on potty training Makayla (2) and man is she giving us a run for our money, I swear she knows when to poop in public ha ha Today we were at a friends house getting the families hair cut and her and the boys were in the play room when.. yup right at that time she decided to poop in her nice princess panties.. oh boy lol Good thing im not the one to get sick easy to my stomic so I just cleaned it up and off we went. oh the joys of potty training.. after she was done and on the potty she says.. " I pooped" I wanted to say no shit shurlock lol but I didn't she makes me laugh.

 This is the stinker I with the help of grandma and aunt kelly will potty train! and get to stop saying SHUT UP.. oh boy! she is so cute though right??????

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