
Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What I should have been tought...

I have opened this year with a positive note. Lots of people around me have had many things already gone down hill but Ive seen the lighter side of things. Today... It was rough! I lost my keys and you may thing... that's it.. you lost your keys???? Hours on top of looking I still can't find them, we finally ordered a new one and all was well.. I am still stressed about that darn set of keys..

We are also having some family drama along with everything else. I am thinking it is going to end in divorce, (not Jason and I) I really hope not because I love both of them dearly and would hate for it to end like that. I was driving today and was thinking about life and how teachers and or school should have a life lessons course to teach you how to handle emotions like this and other things that happen. I know we have sociology and phycology but nothing helps you find your way through life. I have seen parents turn on there kids and try and kill them or people walking out of marriages after 20+ years. How do you detach yourself from these situations? How do you handle it? same steps as death? You know how they have grieving stages of death well is there grieving stages on your parents turning on you as a adult? The world is so unpredictable its draining. I know I am supposed to think positive and I will I'm sure wake up tomorrow and think positive but right now.. Lots of whys and hows are going on. I think about my past and am thankful for how it has played out but lots of HOW DID I MOVE ON? I had the same boyfriend all through high school and some of collage to find out that he was gay the whole time, HOW.. how are you supposed to figure that out and understand how one person could do that.. string you along for his pleasure.. for his acceptance in this world.. but yet I did understand, I did recover, I did move on.. Its funny that I'm 26 and still trying to figure out what this world is all about..

On the upside I did a little more organizing in my kitchen this time. I cleaned out our junk closet and it looks pretty good! I moved a lot of things around and out..  Threw a lot out as well!!! if I don't need it its gone. Its amazing how fast a house can get disorganized ... I blame it on the fact that I never really purged when I moved in.. so we had stuff given.. kept and added with all of my stuff.. IT GOT A LITTLE CRAZY!

That's all I have so far today, I have literally been looking for my keys all day.. I know tomorrow will be a better day.. off to sleep and wake up to a better day tomorrow!!

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