
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Operation SAVE MONEY

I know what your thinking.. EVERYONE does this.. they make a plan to save money and then it never follows thru.. I am key at doing this BUT. Today Jason and I sat down and talked about what we spend this month on things we didn't need. I couldn't believe how much we spend on stupid things that didn't matter... and still didn't have more then 80 dollars in our savings..

Under Armour sweatshirt 50.00
Under Armour T-shirt  30.00
Dress pants for me      30.00
Clothes for the kids    44.00  Outside of things the kids didn't need I just thought were cute
Makaylas birthday     160.00 outside of the bike we already bought her and other gifts
Red box                     50.00 Because we never brought them back untill 2 weeks later
applebees dinner         60.00 Just jason and I not even with the kids
Aropostal                  43.00
sunglasses                  10.00
Thirty-0ne                   30.00

That all equals 517 dollars and thats just things on the top of my head.. I can't believe how much we just blow! So starting this month we are saving... Trying to at least I know myself and I know I love to shop and jason doesn't like to say no.. so we will see how much we save this month! I/we can do this!!!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Who's the Adult really?

So today was a rough day.. REALLY ROUGH... the kids were more then hard to handle.. the oldest one joe couldn't talk back more if he tried.. Brenden (middle 5) was up to no good and would't leave kayla (2) alone.. by dinner I was had nothing left of me.. I had cleaned up poop from princess panties,been talked back to 102323423434234 times and had to tear a 5 year old off his brother and sister 234234235234234 times.. let alone being head butted in the head twice.. I had had it.. no naps and cranky kids = Very cranky April. sooo when jason sat down I said im done I have nothing left its your turn you punish.. and you take care of the kids because I am drained.. he says thats fine you can have the night off and 2 sec later I look at him and shoot a ice cube out of my mouth and hit jason in the face and I said that I wasn't a parent anymore can i PLEASE go to time-out.. at that point we all burst into laughter and nothing else mattered... okay okay.. the kids STILL went to bed at 7:30 but over all it was a good ending to such a horrible night!

more to love!

Today has been great, My day off so im catching up on lesson plans and sub plans for next week! Can I hear a whoot for only working 3 days.. whoot ha ha. I am also spending time with jasons kids (boyfriend) we are working hard on potty training Makayla (2) and man is she giving us a run for our money, I swear she knows when to poop in public ha ha Today we were at a friends house getting the families hair cut and her and the boys were in the play room when.. yup right at that time she decided to poop in her nice princess panties.. oh boy lol Good thing im not the one to get sick easy to my stomic so I just cleaned it up and off we went. oh the joys of potty training.. after she was done and on the potty she says.. " I pooped" I wanted to say no shit shurlock lol but I didn't she makes me laugh.

 This is the stinker I with the help of grandma and aunt kelly will potty train! and get to stop saying SHUT UP.. oh boy! she is so cute though right??????

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

the filler

Okay I have tried to re-write this blog a few time now and I am just going to be stright forward and honest.. ouch.. ready?

I met the man of my dream jan 20ish lol we don't even know the offical date of when we started dating it kinda just happend.. well if I would have only known lol.. The man I still fall inlove with daily has baggage.. and when I say baggage I mean BAGGAGE.. he has 3 kids who I am so inlove with and he has them split custody every other week. and a ......ex wife to be nice lol.. she has made it everything BUT easy to date her ex husband and.. just so its clear... she wanted the devoirce untill it happend and he moved on and she well... dated losers and got knocked up and wanted that wonderful man who I call the love of my life.. So anyway we dated for 7 months and decided to move in together and before anyone starts judgeing we did it very slowly and made the kids our number one priority in our lives and the big change of me moving in. They were in every part of it and we had alot of talks about it.

So this week is our week and well.. it was kindergarden Open house.. and the ex was there.. OH BOY that was rough .. He did everything to draw attention to her.. tears.. yelling.. storming off.. the joys of her.. Jason tried hard to make everything one the same level of understanding for the both of them. When she was having the kids she would make her own arraingements of who would pick up and drop off and when we had them we would make ours.. well... when the teacher asked her about being on the same level she did the poor me look and acted like she had no idea. I was like oh joy.. and then flipped out of jason out in the hallway for not telling her about tonight.. We both agree that there should be nothing said infront of the kids but she doesn't get that... who knows.. Tomorrow is Joes 2nd grade open house.. pray it gets better.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Here are the bookmarks I made for the kids, easy and simple and I know the kids are going to love that each of them has there OWN personal one.

Here are the cubby tags for each child I have differnt animals on each of them all kinda joungle theme. Again very simple and nothing to over powering. I think they are cute!

New school year!

I am teaching a young 5's class at LELA and I am so excited, I tryed to think of a theme to start out this year so I went with our first themed week.. CHICKA CHICKA BOOM BOOM so here are some ideas of what ive been doing.

For my board I went simple, used lots of color and print for the boarder, I can't show the finished product because summer camp is still in my room and I don't want the kids to see what it looks like till its done but..
I have bookmarks made that are lamanated and that have there names one it that they are going to put in the pockets under check in when they are there and check out when they leave.  Also after I change my board in the fall they can take there name bookmarks home for reading!

I am also putting up the cubby tags for the kids for there names, I am super excited about each week coming up, Should be a great year! Next week we are doing All about me week so i will be posting ideas I have about that and what we did.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

So true!

Frustrated because I can't tell if it's real. Mad because I don't know how you feel. Upset because we can't make it right. Sad because I need you day and night. Angry because you won't take my hand. Aggravated because you don't understand. Disappointed because we can't be together, but still I'll love you forever.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Interview.. and Hedley

He called.. Why do I love that call? lol.. men

So two things have happend since last blog..

1. Braden slept in his big boy bed AND the crib is down! whoop, That was a huge step and im so excited about that.. so what if I have to sit in the hall for a hour while he falls asleep.. ITS A STEP!

2. I GOT A JOB INTERVIEW in a CHILDCARE CENTER! holy geesh! I am so excited for that,  ican't wait to get myself back into a center feel and Ill have days off!

okay there is a 3rd too... I fell inlove with a band I just found... its called hedley I have been jamming there music all day :)

Friday, January 7, 2011

One day,

I was browsing facebook when I came across a post my friend made and Idecided it was agood idea so here i go,

One day, One day I will become who I always wanted to be, One day I will be a friend,One day ill be that one person everyone can depend on when they are in need, One day I will become that dependable teacher and educator I have always wanted to be, One day I will find the man who makes my dreams come true someone I can depend on and trust, Someone who puts me first with no other intentions, One day I will put myself  first and forget what other want, I will do what is best for me. One day I will put my life in order again and live happy once again, One day I  will Be that wife that I want to be so dearly and that leads to the one day I will be the mother that I have always dreamed of being, I will be successful with a beautiful family and be happy. One day I will see what god had planned for me and look back and laugh, One day I will be me.. once again.  One day I will find my place in this place called life and know what I was ment to do.  One day I will find love.. family...marriage and trust once more... one day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

He never called..

Thats all.. he never called..

on the upside of life a guy told me this tonight

HIM......Let's be honest here.
HIM...The internet has given someone an over developed sense of self worth.
ME.....whats that supposed to mean?
HIM.....It means you're fuckin ugly.
HIM......Like not even sort of.
HIM......I mean you're actually ugly.

wow.. this year is starting out amazing.. !!! can you hear the sarcasm?

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Okay so I had to blog about this photo, Only because there is a funny story about it, This little girl is my friends daughter and we had bought her this dora thing from the dollar store so she would sit on santas lap, Well not long after she got this dora she lost it.. I am not kidding you when I say we looked up and down.. all around for this dora and I stayed the night that night and she woke up in the middle of the night looking for this dora.. well it was sound and this is her face.. i loved it!  she cracks me up! all for dora.. who would have thought a little toy could give a girl such happiness :)

jump and fall

Hey guys.

So one follower.. really?!?

Has anyone heard the song jump then fall by taylor swift.. I have fallin in LOVE with that song. It talks about a guy and how she just wants her to jump and fall into her.. and she is there for him no matter what, Don't be afraid just jump and fall into me. It makes me smile just thinking about it. One day that will be my song, I have so much love and no one to give it to.

Brooke is sick again, It makes life hard when you have a 1 year old who is sick.. and how ironic that she only gets sick after a big snow fall.. Do I take that s she doesn't want to go outside.. oh how they learn young! She started walking finally!!! Thank you lord! she only does it when we don't watch but everyone in a while we turn just in time to see her walk across the room and we all flip out. She is our baby! I can't believe she is going to be one soon!

Braden is inlove with toystory.. I don't know if there is a rehab program but he needs one, Thanks to santa he has a FULL ROOM of toystory from a new bed to table and chairs.. bed set.. wall hangings.. he loves his yyyeeeeehhhhaaaa! room lol that kid cracks me up!

Its snowing here like crazy, I am so happy I want to take the kids out so bad, Braden hates the snow at first but he worms up to it :) brooke hates getting everything on for it but I think its cute!!!

Still pretty confused in life, I don't know whats going on.. i have so many decisons to make and I don't know if I want to make them.. that sounds like a little kid thing to do but its true, I have to start my life over.. I did so well the first time and threw it all away for a guy.. who does that? I still don't get that.. So now I have to make choices for my life, WHAT DOES APRIL WANT? I haven't asked myself that question in years. What do I want? Do I want to stay where I am.. do I want to move? Do I want to find a differnt job? Do I want to find my own place?  I don't know what I want to do.

I have decided to make a choice and take a trip to saginaw and flint to visit a few friends and go shopping next month, I have never went on my own trip before.. should be interesting...

Here are some pics from the last few days, The first one is brooke, She is adorable! then it goes to braden, I can never get a good pic of him! then its goes down to betsy and I she is my new really good friend, (I met her in the bar) I think I told everyone that story,  Then its just me :) I took that pic really fast after i did my hair this morning... the next photo is of me and bri and the fun things about that photo is that we took the same photo on her 18th birthday.. and we are almost 24! how exciting!!! the last photo is of me right before i left for the nut cracker ballet :) enjoy!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Time to think for myself

I honestly don't even know where to start on this blog.. so im just as always going to type and see where it leads me.

     Christmas ill start there.. It was christmas for sure! The stress was high and I think our family has lost what the meaning of christmas is.. this year is was go go go and we fought most of the time. We forgot why we have christmas and what we should be thankful for.. I hope this new year we grow closer together as a family and get over everything that is stopping us. Our family christmas was good I got everything I wanted :) Santa was good to me this year.

 David and i broke up.. BIG SURPRISE right? not really rebound I think I don't know but i made the choice to stop it before feelings were hurt.. which was good because we went into this relationship with out a title because we didn't know if we would work out or not.. and well it didn't we have two different personalities and it just didn't click. so im single now and finding myself which im happy with because I need to do that.. I need to get settled in Holland and start my life before I start something else.

New years was .. alright I was invited to a friends house and her husband played call of duty while we sat had our new years drinks and Chinese and watched girly movies, I am so thankful for her and her family. We  sat around the house and napped the next day because I was up till 5am and her kids were up at like 7ish.. I know we weren't thinking but it was fun and her kids were really good the next day so we got to relax.. there nap time was OUR  nap time.. her and I put a movie on and. .. we fell asleep not long after. The 2011 has been good so far.. I was so happy to leave 2010.

So this year.. This year I will get back into the child care center its my passion.. I love it so much and I put that on the back burner.. Not again.. not anymore I have put my resume into a few teaching positions and I hope I get a call because i really really really want to get back into that. Its what I do.. Its who I am. I used to be a lead assistant at a child care center for 3 years and i loved it! the lesson plans.. the kids.. the families! i can't wait to do it again. Also I was thinking.. Do I move.. should I stay? where should my life take me this year? Im single.. young.. full of life.. I can do this!

Weight loss... im at 210! whoot When I started in oct I was almost 240 pounds!!!!!  Ican't believe this I have never made it under 220 while loosing weight (note to self stay off the DEPO shot) 2 years ago I was a healthy 180 pound girl .. thick but not fat and i loved it i WILL get back to that.. and i will stay off the depo shot .. after being on the depo I jumped up to 230 with in months.. wow!

I have been playing this song called "yours alone" from skillet... My friend rob said it makes him think of me.. and I love it! Him and I never dated be we have always been close.. Since Ive been single we have talked more and I have learned even more about him and I like it.. we are not dating at all just friends but shhh i do like him.. have liked him. We hung out a few months before i moved to ohio and we lost touch but thanks to that good ol facebook we reconnect about a year ago. Even being single.. im happy.. this year is going to be a good year.. I am sure of it..